Faith in the Trinity.
At this step, you receive your mustard seed faith, not only believing in Jesus that is now within you, but believing in God and the Holy Spirit that you will meet personally at step 9 and 12. You need to believe that the Bible is the words of God. And that you are on the way to the Greatest City you have ever seen. You are now closer to the capital of the Kingdom of God. And soon you will be seeing the Kingdom of Heaven. Now you will start building on this newly found friendship and faith.
Faith is needed for salvation.
Rom 3:28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the works of the Law. God is Faith.
Eph 4:5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, Only a small amount of faith is needed.
Luke 17:6 And the Lord said, if you had faith as a grain of mustard seed, you might say to this sycamine tree, be rooted up and be planted in the sea! And it would obey you.
Faith comes from hearing, reading and living the word of God.
Rom 10:17 Then faith is of hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. Faith is hoping in something you can not see.
Heb 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Faith accompanies obedience in God.
Heb 10:7 Then I said, Lo, I come (in the volume of the Book it is written of Me) to do Your will, O God.”
8 Above, when He said, “Sacrifice and offering, and burnt offerings and offering for sin You did not desire, neither did You have pleasure in them” (which are offered according to the Law),
9 then He said, “Lo, I come to do Your will, O God.” He takes away the first so that He may establish the second.
10 By this will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
11 And indeed every priest stands daily ministering and offering often the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins.
12 but this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right of God,
Believing In God takes faith.
Gen 15:6 and he believed in Jehovah. And He counted it to him for righteousness.
Faith places us in the right relationship with God.
Rom 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Do you Agree , believing in the Trinity builds Faith . do you believe in God the Father , the Creator of Heavens and Earth . do you believe in Jesus Christ His son and in the Holy Spirit the Spirit of Truth?
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